About the Stodgy Investor

About the Stodgy Investor

The Stodgy Investor’s Story

Hello, my name is Stuart Neill. I created the Stodgy Investor website as a platform to share investing knowledge with other conservative investors. I am looking forward to many interesting discussions that help us to all make better investment decisions.

My stock portfolio is mainly comprised of high-quality dividend growth stocks. I also have a relatively small allocation to fixed income products. Your strategy may be different, but successful investors share many common practices.

Topics that will be covered in this blog include investment policy statements, asset allocation, risk management, stock selection and valuation, portfolio management issues and investor psychology.

I was exposed to investing at a fairly young age. I have vivid memories of my father carefully studying investment newsletters in his reclining chair. He also religiously watched Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser on PBS. My father became a successful investor with the assistance of his financial advisor before his untimely passing.

Fortunately, my father had the wisdom to share his investing knowledge with my mother, who also proved to be a shrewd investor. She taught me a lot about investing, although I did learn some lessons the hard way. My mother has excellent intuition for financial decisions and handles bear market downturns much better than most.

I have followed in the family investing tradition for more than 35 years. I started this blog to share my thoughts with the investment community. I enjoy learning about investor psychology and the habits of great investors. I am an active participant and Executive Committee member of the Ottawa Share Club.

My academic background includes a Bachelor’s of Applied Science and a Master’s degree in Engineering from the University of Waterloo and McGill University, respectively. My expertise lies in the area of advanced combustion and fuels.

I invite you to join me on my investing journey!

What can I do for you?

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need assistance with your investment process.