Dividends are magical for many investors because they promote patience and consistency in following their investment plan. People who are wired differently than dividend growth investors don’t understand this.
Experienced investors know that the key to successfully navigating a bear market is to carefully manage risk. Ideally, risk management is built into your regular investment process.
Investors want to own “high-quality” companies, but our portfolios do not always match up to this standard. In this post, I focus on four qualities found in successful companies.
I will discuss a simple method for estimating the return from a dividend growth stock in this post and provide a recent example where I applied the method.
Part 2 of this blog article looks at how an investor might develop a financial plan that is consistent with their risk profile. It also discusses the importance of documenting how progress will be monitored.
In part 2, I discuss my shift to buying individual stocks and transitioning from a client at a full-service brokerage firm to a fully do-it-yourself (DIY) investor.
In my inaugural post, I thought it would be interesting to reflect back on eight investing lessons learned on my journey to becoming a Stodgy Investor.